Geoteco Team
Our Most Valuable Asset
Mayte Martínez
Supply Chain Manager
Omayra Morales
Procurement Manager
Berenice Sandoval
Accounts Payable Manager
Rafael Castañeda
Warehouse – Logistics Supervisor
Serbia Guerrero
HR Analyst
Maritza Juárez
Customer Service Manager
Miguel Almazán
ALS Manager
Elena Alonso
Automotive Service Manager
Balmiro Villalobos
Oilwell Maintenance Manager
Jorge Cruz
Automation Manager
Saúl Hernández
North Operation Supervisor
Alejandro Moreno
South Operation Supervisor
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Clients Reviews
"GEOTECO is a company that, due to its high commitment to industry standards and the contractual requirements assumed in projects where I have actively participated, has been a great asset in achieving objectives and goals in terms of production and direct costs.
In this regard, I highly recommend GEOTECO as a reliable supplier or strategic partner for efficient operation of mature fields."
Juan Carlos MartínezVicepresidente, Sinopec Services de México In this regard, I highly recommend GEOTECO as a reliable supplier or strategic partner for efficient operation of mature fields."

“Having a business partner of Geoteco's caliber is a competitive advantage that we have successfully leveraged to expand our products and services together.”
Joseph GloverDirector of Systems Technology,
Unico, Inc. 
“We have worked alongside Geoteco for several years, and I have witnessed their solid progress and development in all aspects related to oilfield operations. They have always strived to meet the set objectives while prioritizing the safety of people, facilities, and environmental preservation. Additionally, it is important to highlight that even in very challenging contexts with low oil prices, we have always received Geoteco's unconditional support to ensure the operational continuity of our activities”.
Gumersindo NovilloGerente General, DS Servicios Petroleros